Monday, February 17, 2020

A Film Review-Synecdoche, New York 2008 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Film Review-Synecdoche, New York 2008 - Essay Example Cotard is a theatre director and he does not possess the typical admirable qualities of a movie hero or protagonist. Rather, his character is dark and difficult to admire. Kaufman has deliberately made his film riddled with intricate ideas and thoughts related to love, death, loss, and recreation. Strong messages are conveyed through different scenes. For example, in the final scene Cotard and Hazel lie in bed in the same house which is set on fire. Actually, the fire is used to describe Hazel’s fate. The burning house is a bold sign of what is eventually going to happen to Hazel. It is not only related to Hazel, but it is an ominous sign of every character’s death. Earlier on when Hazel is contemplating the decision to buy the house, it is still burning. But, she still chooses to buy it which is the kind of action which translates into a person accepting fate. She puts aside her suspicions and buys a house that is not right for her. Hazel’s burning house is used to portray sudden death, while the water leak in Caden’s house is used to describe slow damage. Caden is obsessed with death and vigorously attempts to resist damage, while Hazel accepts her fate and moves into a damaged house. Such themes used by Kaufman can also be interpreted in another way also assuming Hazel to be fire and Caden to be water. For example, there is a scene where Hazel smokes a cigarette and offers one to Caden too. However, Caden refuses to smoke with her because he secretly sees Hazel as fire which may set him on fire too. So, he desperately attempts to stop this damage. In another scene after sex with Hazel, Cotard does not feel fulfilled and cries. This shows that Hazel is a warm part of Cotard’s life, but that warm part is actually a burning house inside which he is trapped and cannot escape. This is why after his sexual encounter with Hazel, he cries because he is ultimately afraid of death yet has no one to call for help. After sex with Hazel, he is

Monday, February 3, 2020

Religions of the Caribbean and Latin America Essay

Religions of the Caribbean and Latin America - Essay Example This religion is seen not only in Haiti, where its origins lie, but also in Mexico and South America, and most famously in New Orleans, where its practitioners have included Dr John, the shaman Drummer, and Marie Laveau, the New Orleans healer. It is from the academic studies of this religion that we have received some of the most powerful images of modern mystery faiths. It is also known as Vodou, Vodun, and many other variations, depending upon the writer concerned. As at attempt at compromise, Voodoo will be used to discuss the Haitian religion as a cultural signifier, while Vodun (which means spirit or sacred) will be used to discuss the actual religion of the area. Vodun, moreover, is not the only religion in the area based upon the entwined influence of African Gods, Christian imagery, and native American shaman faiths. Other interesting religions of the area include Santeria, the faith of the Yoruba in Cuba and the Diaspora, Candomble, and Umbanda. These three religions are referred to under the umbrella term of ‘Macumba’.'Macumba'. While this essay will study the differences and similarities between the Vodun and Santeria, the other religions of this region are also worthy of mention, as they have produced transculturation in differing ways, especially Umbanda, which is unusual even for the area: Umbanda in perhaps the youngest of these forms only emerging in 1904 and strangely enough being a fusion not of Christian and African beliefs, but Hindu, Buddhist and African beliefs. (Patrice, 2003, page 7) Even such a well-known religion such as Jamaican Rastafarianism, which is fundamentally a Christian religion, combines elements of a pan-African religious perspective, including There would be a mystic return to the African homelandlinked to notions of cultural recovery through a spiritual connection to the African homeland. The belief in the soul's return to Africa after death was widespread in the Caribbean. (Olmos and Paravisini-Gebert. 2003, page 156-7) Rastafarianism is a connection between the deeply religious Christian community, and the equally religious Pan-African faiths of the Caribbean. Furthermore, the idea of a spiritual movement back to Africa after death ties it in strongly to the Vodun, Candomble, and even Espiritismo, which is the Creole interpretation of spiritualism in areas such as Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Southern states of the United States. In all the religions of the Caribbean so far discussed, the importance of spiritual connection with the dead, with ancestors in Africa, and direct contact with the gods, or Lwa, who will be discussed later. Voodoo is seen by outsiders as a very 'dark' faith, one in which the priests and priestesses kill their enemies through magic, the famous 'voodoo' dolls, and rites which involve animal sacrifice (and human sacrifice too, it is alleged). Other myths of voodoo imagine the creation of many Zombies as workers, have become the staple of horror movies, and TV shows such as 'Hex'. Santeria, while associated with Vodun, concentrates much more upon the worship of Gods in the guises of Catholic Saints. The very name means 'Worship (or way) of the Saints", and so provides a perfect example of the mixing of Christian and African religions in this melting pot of faiths known as the Caribbean. This essay seeks to analyze the true religions of Vodun and Santeria, approaching the faiths through a history of the people, from a consideration of the cultural influences of both religions, to the nature of the worship before Slavery was abolished. The role of Voodoo in Haiti and New Orleans will be considered,